The Best Tips to Stay Sane as a New Mom

The Best Tips That Will Keep Your Sanity as a New Mom

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Are you a new mom looking for tips to keep your sanity and make each day easier? Being a new mom can be very stressful, but with the right planning and “you” time, every day will get easier. My goal each day is to keep my kids happy, and busy while still making time for me. It’s also very important for me to feel good about each day. I’d love to share with you my tips as a mom to keep your sanity. It’s tough, but it can get easier.

Why Staying Sane Matters as a New Mom

Before I share with you tips to keep your sanity as a new mom, I would like to talk to you about why staying sane matters. Every day, we face different challenges that can easily cause stress and anxiety. You can be a stay-at-home mom or a working mom and face challenges. When we stay sane, it gives us the ability to think in a normal manner and make better decisions for our family. It also can help lower our stress and anxiety, which is a big win! I hope these tips I share with you will help you get through your days like they are helping me.

Tip 1: Get Up Before Your Kids for Your Peace of Mind

My first tip to stay sane as a new mom is very important. That tip is to get up before your kids. Getting up before your kids gives you time to get ready and prepare for the day. Prepare your morning beverage, get ready, make your bed, read positive affirmations or say your morning prayer to give you that self-confidence that you need to accomplish your tasks. This tip will set the stage for your day. It will not only help you to stay sane, but it will help your kids, no matter what age, feel that confidence in you.

Tip 2: Avoid Using Your Phone to Keep the Sanity

The second tip can start your day off right and as mothers, we set the stage for our children. Reading the news, or going on social media first thing in the morning may bring us down. Don’t allow the news or social media platforms to set the stage for you. Instead, read positive affirmations, say a prayer and take this time to practice gratitude.

Tip 3: Plan Your Day to Avoid the Sanity

My third tip to keep your sanity is about planning. Planning is always a great way to do anything. If planning is not your way of doing things, try it out. You may like it. You can plan the night before, a week in advance, or if this is your first time planning, take it day by day before your kids wake up. Things will go smoother when you have it written down and on a schedule. It may be bumpy in the beginning because it is not your normal routine, but with time, everyone will get used to it. Don’t get discouraged. It will all get better.

Tip 4: Accept Your New Life as a Mother

The fourth tip to stay sane as a new mom is accepting our life as a new mother. Our lives have changed from one day to the next, but gradually during pregnancy. The reality is that motherhood is tough, and if this is your first, it may be hard to accept the fact that you can’t do the things you used to before having kids. Your old shower and make-up routine is a little different, and going grocery shopping can be a whole new world. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves because we can’t do what we used to, accepting our new life as a mother and learning new ways to make things a little less stressful can make a world of a difference.

Tip 5: Go Outside to Keep Calm

The fifth tip is to go outside. Being indoors for a long time can really affect our mood. I notice my mood is not on its best when I stay indoors. Let me not forget about anxiety. That can happen too and it can all lead to stress. Be good to yourself and go outside every day with your kids. This will relieve your stress, help your mood, and anxiety too. Look into some mommy groups that meet at parks. You’ll wonder why you didn’t join one sooner.

Tip 6: Take Care of Yourself

Last, but not least, this sixth tip is one you’ll want to keep forever. It is so important for every mom. Take care of yourself. Do something every day that makes you happy. You deserve it. Exercise, take a warm bath, give yourself a facial, reserve “quiet time” in your home so you get to do something for you. A mother that is not taken care of or is tired and stressed, cannot be the mother that she wants to be. I have been there and it is difficult. I have learned that when I make time for myself, I am a happier person, and a happier mom.

What do you do to keep your sanity as a new mom, or even an experienced mom? I’d love to know!

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